Come, All Saints, Your Praises Bring — Don Fortner

(Tune: #233 — Depth of Mercy — 77.77)

1.    Come, all saints, your praises bring,

To our Savior, Zion's King.

He shall conquer evÕry foe,

And eternal peace bestow.

2.    Jesus reigns oÕer earth and hell,

Governs all creation well,

Making all things work for good,

To the purchase of His blood.

3.    Jesus reigns, in ransomÕd souls,

And our raging sin controls,

Plants His laws within our hearts,

And from us will not depart!

4.    Jesus reigns in heavÕn above,

Rests in His unchanging love,

Scatters blessings from His throne,

Conquers, keeps, and saves His own!









Don Fortner



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